Friday, September 5, 2008


Complete the following questions to find out just how mean you are.

[x] I think I`m gonna have a high score on this.
[ ] I don`t talk to one or both of my parents that much.
[x] I have said horrible things to someone`s face.
[x] I give people disgusting looks sometimes. (99% of the time when I'm grossed out)
[x] I`ve been known to have an attitude.
Total: 4

[x] I took heads off dolls or action
figures when I was little.
[x] I have destroyed something
valuable on purpose.
[x] Most people suck.
[x] I have thrown total tantrums.
Total: 8

[x] I get mad easily.
[x] I have no clue when I`m doing it.
[x] Sometimes I order people around.
[ ] I am/was known around my neighborhood as the kid everyone else doesn`t want their kids hanging out with.
[x] I`ve argued with a teacher. {right, persies?!}
Total: 12

[x] I could honestly care less about school.
[x] I love messing with other people`s heads.
[x] I`ve been told I`m conceited. {i think}
[x] I joke around.
[x] I yell daily.
Total: 17

[x] I seem to always be in a fight with someone.
[x ] I don`t like smiling but do anyways.
[x] I know at least 3 people I would like to kick the crap out of.
[x] I love pranking people.
[x] Freaking hate a lot of people.
Total: 22

[x] People annoy me very easily.
[x] Some people are just flat out immature.
[x] I always have to get the last word.
[x] I always have the perfect comeback.
Total: 26


Add up all the ex`s and multiply by 4.
Re-post this as " __ % Mean. "

25x4=100% (oh shit!)

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