Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Mothers are ALWAYS right.


Beyond reasonable doubt.

About a year ago, I THOUGHT I needed help getting my NCLEX papers done. So I went to this agency that charges two thousand pesos for services. Mum said that the idea of having some amateur agency take over my papers was absurd and definitely useless. But I was insistent, so mother handed me the two grand.

That agency is USELESS. They work for the states that are always applied for like California, but how about the state that I need? Why don't they call themselves the nursing agency for California-bound nurses instead? BETTER YET, why didn't they tell me that they CAN'T take on my complicated case?

It's almost a year now and my application to Florida is about to expire. PRC has already responded but I'm not sure if they were able to forward my papers to the CGFNS na for my credentials evaluation.

I don't wanna freakin' pay another ten thousand pesos just to take the NCLEX. We already paid ten thousand last year and we paid another seventeen thousand for the credentials thingy. Fuckiddddd.

This would've been avoided if only PRC told me that my license was put on hold in the first place. I was always there, calling and visiting them. They kept telling me to come back next week, etc. Why didn't they tell me there was something wrong with my license? Saying they didn't know isn't an answer. It's their JOB to know. I don't give a flying fcuk if they're BUSY, they have to find out!

(I'm thinking about pressing charges, but I don't know where to start)

So anyways, back to the lousy third world province agency. Oh yes.

I've sent dozens of emails to the Florida BON about my situation, but they haven't responded. I'm toying with the notion of calling them, too. Thing is, I paid an AGENCY to do it for me, right? Wrong. I remember the woman with harassed looking hair at the desk and it sends shivers up and down my spine. SHE'S going to represent ME? And talk to a BON agent in ENGLISH? I'll do it myself.

Which is basically my point. Why'd I have to pay a stupid agency, anyways? All they want to do is cater to Cali or Saipan takers because its all they can do. Because even a retard could do that with their eyes closed. But they can't do my case (because it's complicated and Florida has too many requirements) so why'd they take my freakin' money in the first place?

Okay mom was right. And was right when she told me that reviewing for the NCLEX in Cebu is a bad idea, too. I didn't get anything out of it except for a depleted ATM alot of shoes I don't use anymore.

Hayy. I'm sorry, Mummy. :| :| :|

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