I cried this afternoon. I think I watch too much Discovery channel. Hahaha. :) No. Seriously. They did a special on 9/11, and I couldn't resist. When you hear about stuff like this on the news; you get concerned, say a little prayer, talk about it with your family -- but you don't know what its like. You can't even begin to fathom what the victims went through and how it must be for the families they left behind. America is supposedly known as the land of the free and the home of the brave; and that freedom and bravery was tested on September 11, 2001.

The passengers on board those planes were real people with real lives. They had families to go home to, they had lives to live. And that's what made me break down -- A woman, three months pregnant for the first time after trying for five years; the twenty-year old college girl; the thirty-something happy go lucky guy who just attended his grandparent's 100th birthday; a police officer with three children -- different people from different races and cultures, from all walks of life. Innocent people. Dead people.
When the twin towers and the pentagon went down, they took a huge chunk of American spirit with them. The country is still a bit shaken, there's still hope. There will always be hope. And there will always be faith.
For the land of the free, and the home of the brave. :)
PS: I heard that the Golden Gate and 7-mile bridges were targets that day, too! Wahh! I'm putting it on my lists to visit when I get back before some terrorists decide to bomb it down or something. :|

PPS: I love America. And the Philippines. And when I'm here, I cry whenever I hear the Star Spangled Banner. And I know I'll cry when I'm NOT here for good anymore and hear the Lupang Hinirang. :)
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