If thewe'th anything I am afwaid of in the wewwd, it'th NOT death. ow gwowing owd awone. it'th the DENTITHT!
(If there's anything I am afraid of in the world, it's NOT death. Or growing old alone. It's the Dentist!)
I've awayth been twying to pothtpone aww my dentaw appointmenth ath much ath pothibwe, but thith time, thewe wewe no mowe exthcutheth. My weft mowlaw cwacked into haf wath week, then it cwacked again on Monday weaving me a duwog-duwog tooth! I awmotht athpirated on them pa!
(I've always been trying to postpone all my dental appointments as much as possible, but this time, there were no more excuses. My left molar cracked into half last week, then it cracked again on Monday leaving me with a durog-durog tooth! I almost aspirated on them pa!)
Tho, I paid a vithit to the onwy dentitht I twust, and she towd me that thewe wath no mowe hope for my poow wittow tooth. They had to puww it out. :| Oh my! I wiww be toothweth again!
(So, I paid a visit to the only dentist I trust, and she told me that there was no more hope for my poor little tooth. They had to pull it out. :| Oh my! I will be toothless again!)
Whiwe waiting fow my tuwn on the scawy chaiw, the patient befowe me wath having a pathta! Aghhh! I think the conthtant dwilling ith the thcawietht thound in the whowe wide wowwd! You can jutht imagine the agony that I had to go thwough, jutht lithening to that! :| I wath having cowd sweattht and aww!
(While waiting for my turn on the scary chair, the patient before me was having a pasta! Aghh! I think the constant drilling is the scariest sound in the whole wide world! You can just imagine the agony that I had to go through, just listening to that! I was having cold sweats and all!)
Poow kimmie. :|
(Poor kimmie. :|)
The anethtethia huwt wike heww! Dwa. Sudawio put a topicaw anethtethia fiwst to hewp wessen the pain of the injection, but it thtill huwt! I wath cwying the whole time!
(The anesthesia hurt like hell! Dra. Sudario put a topical anesthesia first to help lessen the pain of the injection, but it still hurt! I was crying the whole time!)
I don't have ngipin huhuhu. :|
(If there's anything I am afraid of in the world, it's NOT death. Or growing old alone. It's the Dentist!)
I've awayth been twying to pothtpone aww my dentaw appointmenth ath much ath pothibwe, but thith time, thewe wewe no mowe exthcutheth. My weft mowlaw cwacked into haf wath week, then it cwacked again on Monday weaving me a duwog-duwog tooth! I awmotht athpirated on them pa!
(I've always been trying to postpone all my dental appointments as much as possible, but this time, there were no more excuses. My left molar cracked into half last week, then it cracked again on Monday leaving me with a durog-durog tooth! I almost aspirated on them pa!)
Tho, I paid a vithit to the onwy dentitht I twust, and she towd me that thewe wath no mowe hope for my poow wittow tooth. They had to puww it out. :| Oh my! I wiww be toothweth again!
(So, I paid a visit to the only dentist I trust, and she told me that there was no more hope for my poor little tooth. They had to pull it out. :| Oh my! I will be toothless again!)
Whiwe waiting fow my tuwn on the scawy chaiw, the patient befowe me wath having a pathta! Aghhh! I think the conthtant dwilling ith the thcawietht thound in the whowe wide wowwd! You can jutht imagine the agony that I had to go thwough, jutht lithening to that! :| I wath having cowd sweattht and aww!
(While waiting for my turn on the scary chair, the patient before me was having a pasta! Aghh! I think the constant drilling is the scariest sound in the whole wide world! You can just imagine the agony that I had to go through, just listening to that! I was having cold sweats and all!)
Poow kimmie. :|
(Poor kimmie. :|)
The anethtethia huwt wike heww! Dwa. Sudawio put a topicaw anethtethia fiwst to hewp wessen the pain of the injection, but it thtill huwt! I wath cwying the whole time!
(The anesthesia hurt like hell! Dra. Sudario put a topical anesthesia first to help lessen the pain of the injection, but it still hurt! I was crying the whole time!)
I don't have ngipin huhuhu. :|

natatawa ako with this post. youre one helluva writer. is it really that painful best? cant remember na the time na nagpabunot ako ng ngipin. hehe :)
it's just scary. :| getting a filling hurts more but getting teeth pulled out is traumatic. :|
Wow.. Thith one is a masther piethe !! My toothh ith hurthin aftha i rea thith!!
>:D bwahahahaha
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