Ah. Some things never change, do they? I've made it as far as graduate school, yet still haven't quite gotten over my penchant for procrastinating and cramming. I had my mid terms today, and it was only last night that I started on my Research proposal and problem sets in Statistics (which are requirements before taking the mid terms itself. Pfft.)
Why am I not surprised?
So. I set my alarm to vibrate at exactly 5:30 a.m. I only made it as far as our sofa. Pfft! Anyhoo, I "officially" woke up at a quarter to seven. Uh-oh! (First period starts at 7:30, hahaha).
I am so predictable. Hahahaha!
Dragging my lazy ass self to the kitchen table, I realized Mum made me breakfast. Ahw. :) They were my favorite - grilled cheese sandwiches; toasted and burnt to perfection. I also observed that she had my steaming mug of fresh coffee ready, PLUS she boiled some hot water for my bath. Ahw. :)
Mum's been doing this since I was a kid, but I was touched. After all, I AM twenty-one. She shouldn't be putting herself through all that. It was a Sunday morning (my classes fall on weekENDs, BOO!), and she needs the extra sleep from working extra hard all week long.
I guess we never DO stop being our parents' babies, eh?
I ♥ you Mummy! All the grilled cheese sandwiches in the world can never compare! :D
Why am I not surprised?
So. I set my alarm to vibrate at exactly 5:30 a.m. I only made it as far as our sofa. Pfft! Anyhoo, I "officially" woke up at a quarter to seven. Uh-oh! (First period starts at 7:30, hahaha).
I am so predictable. Hahahaha!
Dragging my lazy ass self to the kitchen table, I realized Mum made me breakfast. Ahw. :) They were my favorite - grilled cheese sandwiches; toasted and burnt to perfection. I also observed that she had my steaming mug of fresh coffee ready, PLUS she boiled some hot water for my bath. Ahw. :)
Mum's been doing this since I was a kid, but I was touched. After all, I AM twenty-one. She shouldn't be putting herself through all that. It was a Sunday morning (my classes fall on weekENDs, BOO!), and she needs the extra sleep from working extra hard all week long.
I guess we never DO stop being our parents' babies, eh?
I ♥ you Mummy! All the grilled cheese sandwiches in the world can never compare! :D
best. that is just the sweetest thing. and right now, i just dont miss my mom but your mom, too. :)
I bet they both miss you! :)
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