My sister once blogged about me being married to a book since I was a kid. Hahahaha. I don't know how I should react to that, but I DO recall reading even before I knew how! :D Weird much? I had books with tapes. Can't remember what they were called back in the day, basta yun. Like, I'd have a book and read along with the tapes playing. 'Til I had the book memorized and could do without the tape haha.
It was in the third grade when I read my first novel: With You or Without You by Ann M. Martin. Then, as all the superficials *sorry, haha!* at my age read Sweet Valley *fucking EW*, mum signed me up for the Baby Sitter's Club. :D I am not kidding nor bluffing when I say that i have ALL the books. Well, almost. 1-100 at the least. Swear! They're all in some huge box that Dad drove up all the way to Orlando for safekeeping at Uncle Jimboy's.

I like them better than Sweet Valley. Really! They have moral lessons and stuff. And they were responsible. Baby sitters nga, eh!

Anyhoots, I have SO many books that I just wanna read right now. :| As I've mentioned earlier, The Historian is already within my grasp. I love how the cover is. So old. And I got the Trade Paperback ed. I wanted the hardbound one, but I'm being a cheapskate as of the moment. Hehe! I looked it up on FullyBooked, and found out that the orignal price is P359. Mine is P167. Yey! What a steal!

I'm also thinking about bidding on P.S. I love you by Cecilia Ahern. It's a bit pricey, but I found a brand new one on Ebay for only P300! Nevermind that, I found a pre-loved one for only P150. Ha!
Books aren't clothes. I only buy pre-loved unless I know the people. *My random ukay-ukay sprees don't count. I've only worn ONE of my countless buys. Boo!* Books don't have to be brand new kase I won't have to worry about catching the former owners' kili-kili power or something. Hehehe! :D
Books aren't clothes. I only buy pre-loved unless I know the people. *My random ukay-ukay sprees don't count. I've only worn ONE of my countless buys. Boo!* Books don't have to be brand new kase I won't have to worry about catching the former owners' kili-kili power or something. Hehehe! :D

Anyhoo, this reminds me. I have to pay for a few more books I won at an Ebay bidding. I got Pride and Prejudice and some Anne Rice hardbound novel. P300 lang both na! :D I lost to other bids, though. Boo! I really wanted Jodi Picoult's Vanishing Acts. :| Stupid bidders. :| It was only P100 pa naman!

Hahaha! Cheapskate me. Ohwell. I ALSO found out that Kaled Hosseini *author of The Kite Runner* got his second book, A Thousand Splendid Suns published already. Yey! Though it's gonna be a while before I find it on Ebay at my kuripot price. :|

So when does Kathleen McGowan release the sequel to The Expected One? Hmm. That should be interesting. I'll be waiting! :D
PS: Is it just me, or does McGowan have some loose nails in her head? Hmm.

OH. And bummer. My most favorite-est-iest book of all time, The Time Traveler's Wife, airs on December 25, 2008. In America. Good for me. Yey! I remember reading this on Christmas 2007. Wah! I was BAWLINGGGG. Such a good read. :))
Say hi to Noah and Allie Henry and Claire. :) Whee
But I was sorta kinda looking forward to watching it here with friends. Boo! Ohwell, at least we have Twilight! Yey.
I'm sorry if my being a nerd scared you people! :D But that's just a fraction of the tip of the iceberg. My dream is to one day have a library at home. :D *Though not good since I'm selling some of my old books. Hahaha*
Psycho thought: I'm thinking of selling all my Twilight books. I wanna get the hard bound ones!
But I was sorta kinda looking forward to watching it here with friends. Boo! Ohwell, at least we have Twilight! Yey.
I'm sorry if my being a nerd scared you people! :D But that's just a fraction of the tip of the iceberg. My dream is to one day have a library at home. :D *Though not good since I'm selling some of my old books. Hahaha*
Psycho thought: I'm thinking of selling all my Twilight books. I wanna get the hard bound ones!
the time traveler's wife --- the best ever! my HP books (1-6 only) are still unopened. sayang eh. LOL. dont sell it best. so then you dont have to open your hard bound copies. :)
But I don't have hard bound copies. Hehe! :D Anyways, unopened pa? Like you haven't read HP yet? Or you bought paperbacks and hardbounds? Yes yes. The Time Traveler's. :) Nothing compares. :D
have read them already but hiram hiram lang. exchange books kung baga. hehehe. so i dont open na. LOL :p
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