Hunger pains and various food cravings + sedentary lifestlye = obesity.
It's a FACT, yet I still can't get myself to STOP.
What makes it worse, is that I like midnight snacks. :| I don't eat breakfast and lunch, but I like eating from 3pm onwards.
Gah. What's wrong with me? FREAK.
Anyhoo, so I've been craving for cornic lately. Haha! And I asked my sister to buy me some from across the street. She's already fifteen, but still babied by all of us. I wanted to go buy the friggin' nuts myself, but I was already in my jammies. So I told her I'll watch her from the gate. And made her bring a big umbrella for self defense -- just in case.
I spotted around four children rummaging through the trash. :| So, I told them to wait and hurried back inside our apartment to fetch a whole bag of plastics.
The reaction on their face? Priceless.
"Salamat talaga 'te, ha! Salamat!"
Ahw. From those empty plastic bottles and paper cups, they'll have food in ther stomachs. :|
Life isn't fair, no?
I remember there was once a time when I saw two kids not over the age of eight rummaging through the trash again. Again, I hurried back inside. They were luckier kase we were able to save a whole BOX full of plastics *plus the box itself can be bought at junk shops*.
LITERALLY what they mean by one's garbage can be another one's treasure. :|
Just a friendly reminder when throwing away your plastics. :D
Sometimes, it pays to just shut your trap.
Example: I didn't even KNOW that there was a twelve chapter leak of Midnight Sun that was free and easily accessible, until one of the twilight mods told us to NOT post about it.
PS: Gahdddd what I wouldn't give to be in Bella's shoes. :D
Meanwhile, word's out on who Obama's VP will be. UGH! Some old guy who looks like McCain hahaha. Crazy! Why didn't Hilary just swallow her pride and decide to be his VP? Pfft. They would've made an AWESOME tandem. The republicans wouldn't stand a chance!
*I don't think they even have one NOW. They're resorting to just making blasphemous rumors -- aka Obama daw being a muslim and shiiii. I read his bio, ya know. Whutev.
I'm just happy because I'm going to be able to vote. Yeyy! I registered a long time ago and now we can do it online. Daw. Hahaha! :))
PS: I'm hoping it wasn't a scam to steal identity and stuff. I gave away my US SSS#! Aaah!
Ohwell. If you hear about me going on a killing spree, it's DEFINITELY my double. :P
*I don't think they even have one NOW. They're resorting to just making blasphemous rumors -- aka Obama daw being a muslim and shiiii. I read his bio, ya know. Whutev.
I'm just happy because I'm going to be able to vote. Yeyy! I registered a long time ago and now we can do it online. Daw. Hahaha! :))
PS: I'm hoping it wasn't a scam to steal identity and stuff. I gave away my US SSS#! Aaah!
Ohwell. If you hear about me going on a killing spree, it's DEFINITELY my double. :P
aww. such a noble act best. akalain mong may ginintuang puso ka pala. naintindihan mo naman sana yun dba. *kiddin* LOL. you do possess a kind heart. :)
by the way, im excited and at the same time freaked out coz am worried that i might die with boredom in catb. kaya nga i should bring a pup with me coz am not so sure if the yaya availbale there would be cool to hang out with or what. LOL
I think you WILL die of boredom upon going home. BUT please make sure to stop by Tac. first. You owe me girl time. We can go to the spa. And get dinner. And coffee. :)
PS. I didn't get the tagalog part haha. Sorry. :D
ginintuang puso. literally means golden heart??? hehe.
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